Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Year Book: The Parties! Ms. Cullen

P. Cullen’s Last Day.

Fifth year was at the end of its wick. The last full day came. There was that buzz of freedom in the air and one thing was on everyone’s mind. That was the day that Ms. Cullen dropped the bombshell. She wasn’t going to return to St. Finian’s the following school year. Shocking stuff, one might say jaw-dropping. I wasn’t planning on coming in for the last morning of fifth year, since absolutely nothing happens. But when Ms. Cullen announced that she’d have a little party, I thought again. The idea of getting sweets still attracts me, especially when it’s Haribo.
And so, I trudged to school for a “party”. And by God, it was some party. There were fizzy drinks, Haribo galore and crisps. Ms. Cullen went all out. The guests were a little on the short side, but I suppose that can be forgiven. I can count the active participants of the party on one hand; David, Louise, Zidalee, Yombo and I were all sitting about participating in the nothingness of the party. Matthew was part of his own party as he read to himself in solitude. What made everything so much better was that Ms. Cullen put on her Bon Jovi CD. How bloody wonderful.
As the morning slowly dragged on, all the girls, including Ms. Cullen began to pour out their emotions, as girls do. It was obviously building up inside each of them as the floods came burbling steadily. I watched in awe of this event that had no effect on me, it was just another change of teacher. Dave sat over by the piano and played awkwardly. I doubt Matthew was even aware of what was going on, let alone have a reaction to it. This didn’t last too long, thankfully. There were pictures taken, in which I think I looked away or looked generally silly. At this stage I was dying to get out of the land of tears and get home, probably to have a cuppa, and to lie back in the summer independence. And so, the party was over, as was fifth year, such a miserable year.

1 comment:

Deeoshaythree said...

LOL, with a little bit of tweaking that definitely has to go into the year book (I don't think Epaola would be happy with some of the comments, that is!).

Excellent. Ms Kelly will be delighted. She needs a decent nickname.