Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Identity & Belonging

At this particular point in history, I'm almost finished the module named "Identity & Belonging." Awh. On this very night, I finished the assessment, which I outlined quickly in my post College Things Going On.

I worked with Claire for the first part, picking a topic and writing the questionnaire. We had some good discussions. All respect to her, Claire wrote the questionnaire. I then forgot about it for a while. I wrote up the report of working as a team with some posh words scattered in it. I'm happy enough with that, as far as one can be. Again, I conveniently forgot about it for another while. I was beginning to feel bogged down on Saturday last (through all the fault of my own) with the interview and essay left. On Sunday afternoon, I sussed out my interviewee and planned to meet that evening. So, I got that out of the way. I then spent an hour transcribing half of the interview. I did the other half the following night, Monday. It's been said that a start, even a shit start, is a start and it's important to just get something down and get into the writing frame of mind. I gave the essay a good bash that night too, with that in mind. I indeed got started and did about half, however rubbish it seemed.

Tuesday came with little desire to stir from bed. But, I had class at 10am in HG03. Vera showed us a video about Amish kids and the choice they have to make, to join the church or not. Anyway (that was relevant because it was I&B class), afterwards, I went to the library and got a computer downstairs immediately. Fantastic. I did a little more of the essay, using Moodle and lecture slides and other things. I thought I'd try to do essay for CM107, but I concentrated on HSS100. I had intended to, at least, start reading for CM107, but the lads went off to the cafeteria for grub and how can one resist a break from back-breaking labour?

After the last lecture of the day, I ventured back to the library to do the intended reading. I wanted to stay an hour. I met Greg and Kerrie just inside the gate. So, I wasn't going to be rude and not stop to say hello and unintentionally talk for about half an hour. I did get upstairs and I did read about four pages of "A Sociology of Ireland." I had to bring it back then (I had it out on a 24 hour loan since Monday evening) and thankfully I found another copy. I took the other copy out tonight, not that I've used it, but I will tomorrow morning (if my planned early rise works) and after LC150 class in the afternoon.

That last paragraph was a deviant one with nothing to do with I&B. Later yesterday evening (for it is now Wednesday) I began working, slaving on the essay at hand. I changed some things around, adding stuff, taking stuff away. So, it's in a finished state at this time. but, I may delete a particular paragraph, of no more than forty words. It's a little skimpy. I added in headings as a last minute edit. I'm sure if I'll keep them; I think I will. Now, all that's to be done is to print the cover page thing and all my work and present it to Dr. Sheridan on Thursday, during class I presume.

Thursday will be the last HSS100 class ever. I've enjoyed the module. It was the core module and it worth ten credits, where everything else is worth five. Its broad range of issues and the many disciplines used to look at them has made it deadly. The guest lecturers and their lectures (on immigration, trade unionism and multicultural Spain) also gave a little variety and their studies were relevant and interesting. So, fair play to HSS100 and so say all of us, probably.

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