Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bits Agus Bobs Agus Mickí

Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About It (Paperback). Paperback form it was and I thought that it was important to mention that it is. Read it there last night and the night before. Interesting read. Fair play to the sexes for being different and bollix to political correctness.

PR-STV is great craic, isn't it? I haven't really used it yet but for the laugh it'll be grand.

Off goes Bertie today telling everybody he's going for real in May. First Tony across the water, then the "Rev." "Dr." Ian across the border and now Mr. Tee-shock down here sa phoblacht. Is there no political stability in the place
? Everyone is either too bored, too old or too weighed down to continue yielding supreme executive power. The office in the State with the most prestige will be filled by bluh-blah-blah-blah. Sorry Taoiseach, what was that about pensions?

Moonlight and love songs in ragtime! Step into that small confessional.

There's the lads as they kick it back in Bruges (Brew-guh or Brew-je [as in Je in French], whatever your having yourself) after killing people.

Fuckin' ledge auld film for the laugh and the Dubs factor. Rufus makes a guest appearance as a midget dancing on Abbey Street while doing cocaine. Colin Farrell then karate chops him and gets sang at about the impending race-war. "Who's next?" as Ton Lehrer might say.

Coffee may now be on the cards. Maxwell House, of course, is shit and should be avoided at all costs unless you're a fire(wo)man or in the Defense Forces. The Red is MUCK and the blue one isn't much better. Nescafé is good most of the time, depending on the jar that's bought. There's the chunky granules and they're nice (with water, obviously). That other Nescafé stuff, smooth and silky or some such shite, is nice too. Mmmm, instant coffee.

Goodnight, ladies etc.

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