Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Time does tend to roll on doesn't it?

The so-called Summer is officially over and it's now Autumn. Next thing you'll see is red and yellow leaves. Maybe some rain too, but that's no suprise at this stage. Was it 50+ days of consistent rain at one stage? I think so. As the papers liked to point out, Noah and Co. had less precipitation than that.

And now the news. I have a nice new phone! The Nokia 5300. It's nifty and cool, if I may say so. Got the radio, mp3 and camera sorta stuff (as standard) and other things I'll never use, like, the internet.

I had a crazy outa-da-blue rash thing from Thursday through the weekend, bank holiday weekend may I add. It was either a late reaction to Italian mosquito bites, new insect bites from the area around polluted Jacko or Guinness. Now, you can imagine what I don't want to blame. But it was scary anyway. But, don't fret, I'm no longer infected. Phew sez you.

I'm still an employee of SDCU somehow. They're a nice bunch and haven't (yet) come to the conclusion that I'm too shit to work for them. I've been behind the counter dealing directly with the good members. It's been nightmarish at times and rarely nice. But I'm alive and still employed. I'm off for a few days now, thanks be to God.

Now, some truths that don't take people long to learn as we grow up.
1. Women are harder workers than men. (And are probably better, just in general)
2. Having cool gadgets isn't all that important.
3. There are seven days in a week for a good reason.
4.Things are too expensive.
5. If you drink too much, you'll puke.
That is all.

I'm now off to get the bus. I've also got a paper to read. So, now that you've poked around my brain, I must leave, immediately. You are the weakest link...goodbye.

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