Friday, March 30, 2007

Desktop Analysis

How do we learn about somebody? We can listen to what they say or what is said about them. We can look at their appearance and attire. These obsevations will tell us something about the person. But I've thought of something else reasonably interesting. By noting the objects on one's workbench or desk, it seems possible to see what somebody is up to recently also can highlight preoccupations and aspects of that person's daily life.

I'll give you an example. Obviously I don't know what's on anybody else's desk (apart from schoolbooks) because I don't really take heed. So, the only example I can give is my own desk.

Although there are (too) many schholbooks on my desk, I'm going to leave them out, because they go without saying. So currently there are many items on my desk. They include:
"Collected Poems" Patrick Kavanagh (collected and edited by Antoinnette Quinn),
"The Literacy Works of Patrick Pearse" (Collected and edited by Séamus ÓBuachalla),
a box of sweets, a clock, "From the Cradle"-Eric Clapton, mp3 players, a C.D. player, my wallet, my keys, a dictionary, a Gidgeon's New Testament and a badge with "18" on it. There is also a Garfield teddy, a candy cane, some ribbon and a can of deodorant.

These are all normal (banal?) items to me. But to some big phycho-analysist, they could be be very interesting altogether. I doubt. But it was fun making the list. Try it yourself. After a normal day, have a look at the things that you've been using. If you have a desk, realise what you're spending your time doing at the desk. We study and work at a desk, but not just for school, but yourself too. Give it a go.

If you want to try this in someone else's house, try not to make it so obvious. I doubt they'd like you going through their stuff for no reason!


Deeoshaythree said...

Post something, Twirdy.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that little post. It is very simple but very true. well, in saying that, a lot of people also say you can learn a lot about people by the way they walk and the shoes they wear(i am not in entire agreement with that). Your idea makes a lot more sense... at the moment there are a load of teddis on my desk, pandas among them, a photo of yourself and myself and one of the "4 amigos", and boxes of stationary. I'll make a better list sometime but that is a very good idea. i'm impressed :)