Friday, November 30, 2007

Tendancy to get "mad ouv it"

What is it about us here in Ireland, in Britain too, and our love of the bottle? We're globally reknowned for the amount of alcohol we consume. I think we're forth in Europe for the amount we drink per head, or something like that.

A night out for the inhabitants of this island means getting sloshed, shit-faced, pissed, intoxicated, jarred, drunk, mad ouv it, inebriated, plastered, legless or wasted, depending on personal preference and/or dialect. I like sloshed, personally.

It's a concern. I was talking to a college colleage today about a possible night out for the class. The first thing I thought of was being drunk and how I'd get home, or in some shape or form, find a bed. I said something like, "just can't get too wasted, which is hard to do."

There's a humanities school Christmas party on in Temple Bar somewhere on Tuesday. It would be a miracle if there was one person there not sloshed with all the cheap drinks promotions going on. Now, I'm sure it'll be a great night if I get going, but I'm just making the point.

Is it inherent in us here to be drawn to the drink? Is it the culture? Is it to fit in? Or is it simply for the fun? I don't know. Just thinking around this subject. Good luck anyway.

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